The Inclusion Program at Dunecrest American School adheres to the philosophy that each student is unique and deserves to be respected for his or her own virtues, strengths and challenges. We acknowledge that children learn at different paces, and that they may excel in some areas and need more support in others. We recognize that some students have special talents and some students may need additional, and sometimes continuous, support in order to make academic progress. We strongly believe that students with determination have the right to access mainstream education and thus be educated in an integrated setting. Similarly, we believe that the least restrictive environment is the effective settings where students with determination are educated.
Link to our Guiding Statements
This policy reflects our school Goal to be an inclusive school. Teachers use data effectively to skillfully plan and influence learning outcomes, enabling all students to make progress. Teachers gain an in-depth knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of individual students, collaborate with specialists and together breach barriers to learning. With an emphasis on wellbeing, all students are happy, successful and excited about their future.
The Dunecrest American School vision and mission as well as our philosophy regarding students with determination are the foundation for our code of practice. It is the purpose of the Dunecrest American Inclusion Program to:
- Provide equal opportunities for Dunecrest American School students of all abilities.
- Enable each student to achieve their full potential in a challenging and supportive environment.
- Create an effective climate for learning by sharing information that enables specialists to minimize the barriers to learning and maximize the opportunities for success for Inclusion students.
- Plan and implement for Inclusion students as an integral part of all programs.
- Utilize data about Inclusion students’ strengths and areas of need to make informed decisions.
- Narrow down the attainment gap between Inclusion students and peers, through effective research-based practices and interventions.
- Raise awareness among the school community about students of determination rights.
- Keep updated documentation about current policies and best practices regarding Inclusion students, through ongoing professional development and constant communication with local governing entities (KHDA).
- Support and act as a resource for classroom teachers working with students of determination and Inclusion students.
- Provide ongoing professional development to enhance instructional strategies of support and classroom teachers/educators.
- Share responsibility with classroom teachers, parents and specialists.