Teaching & Learning


This policy provides the framework within which teaching and learning takes place at Dunecrest American School. We are committed to providing an excellent education for all our students, enabling them to enjoy and achieve high levels of learning.


This Teaching & Learning policy will address the diverse needs and aspirations of our student body by offering them an excellent foundation in all aspects of learning. It is our aim to challenge and prepare them for a successful future.


This Teaching and Learning policy is aligned to the following CREST values and startegic aims:
ï    Systematically reviewing the curriculum to meet the needs of our students in an ever changing world.
ï     Assessing students’ attainment and progress (growth) throughout their learning journey.
ï     Using technology to enhance the learning experience.
ï     Recognising that different teaching methodologies are essential for effective learning to take place.
ï     Offering enjoyable and exciting approaches and opportunities to stimulate enthusiasm and motivation for learning.
ï     Enriching our curriculum with a wide variety of opportunities and a range of intercultural experiences.


ï     To provide clear information to students, teachers and parents on the quality of teaching and learning at DAS.
ï     To provide a clear statement of expectations against which teaching and learning can be monitored, evaluated and reviewed.
ï     To deepen students, teachers and parents involvement in successful learning partnerships.
ï     To help parents support their children’s learning.
ï     To enable students to become self-motivated, independent learners who can think critically, problem solve whilst having a sense of curiosity and an enjoyment of learning.
ï     To encourage all stakeholders to reach their full potential.

Diagram - Teaching and Learning at Dunecrest



Students learn most effectively when they are motivated to:
ï     Show an active interest and enthusiasm for their learning.
ï     Enjoy their learning and respond positively to the challenges and opprtunities available.
ï     Be committed to improving their performance by:
o   having high expectaitions of themselves.
o   achieving a high standard of accuracy and presentation in their work.
o   being resilient with tasks they find difficult.
o   asking questions to ensure understanding.
o   meeting deadlines.
o   retaining knowledge, applying it in unfamiliar contexts and making connections with other work.
o   using technology appropriately and effectively.
o   trying new ways of learning and thinking and not being afraid to take risks so they can learn from mistakes.
o  being able to evaluate their own learning and that of their peers so as to recognise success and areas for improvement.

Students learn most effectively when they take responsibilIty for:

ï     their own learning
ï     using the IB Learner Profile and Approaches to Learning criteria to improve their attitude to learning and behaviour
ï     ensuring they understand the learning objectives and success criteria for the lesson/topic
ï     developing an ability to become highly independent
ï     developing excellent communication and presentation skills
ï     selecting and using resources effectively, efficiently and skillfully
ï     setting their own challenging targets and evaluating their progress towards them using feedback from a variety of sources, including MAP Data and RIT scores
ï     developing the confidence to question others, seek their own answers and ask for help when needed
ï     participating effectively and constructively in individual, group and whole class activities
ï     making reasoned judgements which develop their values, beliefs and morals and promote the self- esteem, self confidence and self respect of all within a framework of positive, productive working relationships
ï     arriving at lessons promptly, being appropiately equipped and completing home learning on time and to a high standard


Teaching is most effective when a welcoming learning environment is ensured by:
ï     applying clear, fair, consistent and transparent systems of classroom management which provide an orderly, supportive atmosphere where students feel physically and emotionally secure and which actively promotes the confidence to ask questions, take risks and learn from mistakes
ï     in which students feel valued, promote beliefs and morals while developing self-esteem, self confidence and self-respect within a framework of positive and productive working relationships

Teachers encourage students to engage with learning by:
ï   delivering creative, innovative, and purposeful lessons which are skillfully planned, challenging, briskly paced with well-pitched activities that considers prior learning
ï   integrating the IB Learner Profile and approaches to learning statements into daily learning experiences
ï   using a planned sequence of activities to meet the requirement of the specified curriculum statements
ï   ensuring students know what is to be learned, how it links to what they already know and what is to follow
ï   actively engaging all students in the process of learning by making use of students’ innate curiosity and desire to learn
ï    ensuring lessons offer all students the opportunity to succeed.
ï   employing strategies which develop students’ skills as independent learners who can apply their learning in novel situations and by creating opportunities which enable students to further their learning beyond the classroom
ï   providing opportunities for students to develop skills of deep and critical thinking, problem solving, entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity.
ï   recognizing and responding sensitively to students’ academic and emotional needs and learning styles to enable each student to realise their potential and to develop students’ resilience by encouraging them to persevere when confronted with challenging tasks
ï    demonstrating enthusiasm through interest and enjoyment of their subject
ï   using a variety of indicators to reflect on the effectiveness of their teaching and actively seeking to review and improve their teaching.
ï   sharing ideas, resources and good practice with colleagues while remaining knowledgeable, confident and up to date.
ï   observe colleagues’ lessons regularly (3 lessons per term) with the aim of identifying good practice to share with our teacher learning community
ï   planning lessons that contain purposeful real-life links, develop an understanding of the UAE and other countries around the world

Teachers use strategies which:

ï   are appropriate to the subject, age and intellectual development of the student and provide opportunities for students to learn in a variety of ways
ï   make the learning objectives explicit, check student understanding and review their achievement throughout and at the end of the session
ï    have high expectations of effort and achievement
ï    make use of technology to enhance and enliven learning
ï   select and use resources appropriate to the students’ needs and employ highly effective strategies for differentiation
ï   develop skills of Literacy, Numeracy, communication and technology whenever it is possible and appropriate to do so
ï   identify real-life examples and cross curricular subject links to explain the importance of the subject in the overall education of the student
ï    make learning relevant to the student’s lives

Teachers make effective use of formative assessment by:

ï    making the learning objectives and success criteria explicit, checking student understanding throughout the lesson, and reviewing achievement at the end of the lesson
ï    using knowledge of achievement to effectively to plan, monitor, improve and celebrate learning
ï    providing regular opportunities for students to assess their own work and that of their peers against clear shared success criteria illustrated by exemplars which demonstrate the desired learning outcomes
ï    marking regularly using school and departmental/grade rubrics and policies, and frequently informing students where they are in their learning by providing effective written and verbal feedback.
ï    feedback clearly identifies how students can improve, builds student self-esteem, and encourages students to reflect on and set their own challenging learning targets
ï    employing skilled questioning techniques which enhance critical and deeper levels of thinking
ï    using praise appropriately to encourage, motivate and reward participation and achievement

Teachers make effective use of summative assessment by:

ï    using student data to identify prior and current achievement and any additional needs of individual students
ï    using predictive data to evaluate current student achievement and anticipate future progress
ï    marking and recording data in accordance with school/grade departmental policies
ï    using data effectively to plan, monitor, improve and celebrate learning
ï    reporting clearly to parents their children’s current level of achievement and identifying how they can improve.


We believe that parents have a fundamental role in helping their children learn. Parents should adhere to expectations set out in the KHDA Parent Contract. We work in partnership with parents to ensure:

ï    effective two-way communication through Seesaw and Google Classroom, newsletters, informal and formal meetings, student reports, student led conferences
ï    awareness of curriculum areas/ developments currently being taught
ï    regular sharing of information about their child’s progress and attainment. At DAS Parents can request a meeting to discuss these at any point in the year
ï    regular attendance and punctuality, particularly the need for students to arrive at school on time
ï    the needs of all children are met in the family home
ï    expectations regarding homework and assignments are clear and supported positively at home
ï    students are given access to support from external agencies when the need is identified by the school, so they can be successful both at home and at school


All students at DAS are valued, respected, and welcomed, irrespective of their educational need. We support their learning and ensure they are fully included in all school activities, making full use of externally provided facilities where appropriate.


This Teaching and Learning policy should be read in conjunction with the Admissions, Assessment, Curriculum, CPD, G&T and Learning Support policies.


All staff members participate in the Teacher Appraisal and Support Cycle. The quality of teaching and learning is closely monitored by members of the middle and senior leadership teams, who observe lessons, sample work, review planning and conduct regular professional dialogue. Subjects are monitored by those with experience in that field.

Teacher performance is assessed by:

ï    formal classroom observations
ï    SLT and Curriculum Leader learning walks
ï    reviewing all assessment data and exam results
ï    collecting student feedback on the course/ subject delivered
ï    the ability to reflect on and self-assess their own teaching competency.

Policy Created - April 2022 Next review date June 2023

Created by JS, reviewed by DC, EB, LG, CH