Dunecrest Parent Association

At Dunecrest American School, we enjoy an active and engaged parent community, and our school benefits from a range of celebrations, activities and events they organize. Whether its Halloween or the UAE National Day, Teacher's Day or Kindness Week, our school is decorated beautifully thanks to our awesome parents, creating a wonderful atmosphere, with exciting themed events for students to enjoy! 

Dunecrest Parent Association Constitution

Dunecrest American School encourages members of the parent community to be involved with School activities and to assist in ways deemed appropriate. Therefore, Dunecrest American School welcomes the parent community to establish and maintain a Dunecrest Parent Association (DPA) according to the bylaws of the organization. Just as the DPA supports the School, the School shall support the DPA with meeting space, time for meetings, use of school publications and social media communication channels for DPA announcements, etc., all within reason and ensuring that such support does not negatively impact teaching and learning.

(Reviewed and updated September 2021)


The DPA makes every effort to be transparent in the raising and usage of funds. This transparency includes the following:

  • How funds are raised
  • Decisions on how to spend funds, and
  • What the funds are spent on

Each year the school supports the DPA with an initial fund. Then, DPA  engages in different fundraising activities to raise additional funds in order to cover various activities, events, experiences, school equipment and facility needs.


For more information about the DPA and our activities, or to join or volunteer your time as a parent, please email us on